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Book fair guests

Sjarhej Ablamejka

Sjarhej Ablamejka

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Uladzimir Arlov

Uladzimir Arlov

Pénélope Bagieu

Pénélope Bagieu

 Gunstein Bakke

Gunstein Bakke

Zofia Bałdyga

Zofia Bałdyga

Peter Balko

Peter Balko

Vladimír Balla

Vladimír Balla

Kryscina Banduryna

Kryscina Banduryna

Muriel Barbery

Muriel Barbery

Bianca Bellová

Bianca Bellová

Laurent Binet

Laurent Binet

Jeanne Bischoff

Jeanne Bischoff

Anne Cathrine Bomannová

Anne Cathrine Bomannová

Jérôme Bonnetto

Jérôme Bonnetto

Péter  Borbáth

Péter Borbáth

Petr Borkovec

Petr Borkovec

Jean-Dominique Brierre

Jean-Dominique Brierre

Sabina Brilo

Sabina Brilo

Elena Buixaderas

Elena Buixaderas

Martyna Bunda

Martyna Bunda

Andrej Chadanovič

Andrej Chadanovič

Ariane Chemin

Ariane Chemin

Nicolas Deleau

Nicolas Deleau

Radka Denemarková

Radka Denemarková

Penda Diouf

Penda Diouf

Benoît Duteurtre

Benoît Duteurtre

Dorothee Elmiger

Dorothee Elmiger

Jack Fairweather

Jack Fairweather

Lucie Faulerová

Lucie Faulerová

Ulrike Guérot

Ulrike Guérot

Mikko-Pekka Heikkinen

Mikko-Pekka Heikkinen

Lenka Horňáková – Civade

Lenka Horňáková – Civade

Arthur Japin

Arthur Japin

Tom Lanoye

Tom Lanoye

Magali Le Huche

Magali Le Huche

Mariana  Leky

Mariana Leky

Aljaxandr Lukašuk

Aljaxandr Lukašuk

Jonas Lüscher

Jonas Lüscher

Victoria Mas

Victoria Mas

David Mitchell

David Mitchell

Alena Mornštajnová

Alena Mornštajnová

Javier Moro

Javier Moro

Taras Prochasko

Taras Prochasko

Sjarhej Prylucki

Sjarhej Prylucki

Dávid  Remsey

Dávid Remsey

Tomasz Rożek

Tomasz Rożek

Vanda Rozenbergová

Vanda Rozenbergová

Jacques Rupnik

Jacques Rupnik

Max Ščur

Max Ščur

Illja Sin

Illja Sin

Taňa Skarynkina

Taňa Skarynkina

Dmitrij Strocev

Dmitrij Strocev

Stanislav Struhar

Stanislav Struhar

Sjarhej Šupa

Sjarhej Šupa

Patrik Svensson

Patrik Svensson

Witold Szablowski

Witold Szablowski

Edina Szvoren

Edina Szvoren

Anka Upala

Anka Upala

Marek Vadas

Marek Vadas

Sandro Veronesi

Sandro Veronesi

Michal Viewegh

Michal Viewegh

Aljaxej Znatkevič

Aljaxej Znatkevič

Download information

Here you can download detailed programme's information and bios of foreign guests.

Book World Prague announces more big names to feature at the 26th international book fair and literary festival.

The previously announced French author Laurent Binet will be joined by the English writer David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas, and the most prominent voice of contemporary African literature Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author of the bestselling novel Americanah. After a year’s delay caused by the pandemic, Prague will also welcome representatives of the Polish reportage school Witold Szabłowski and Martyna Bunda. Literature as a Voice of Freedom is a new feature focusing on Belarus this year, highlighting, among other, Andrei Khadanovich and Dmitry Strotsev. Winners of the European Union Prize for Literature will offer insights into contemporary literature elsewhere in Europe.


Thematic focus

Čestný host: Francie

Guest of honor: France

Motto: Můj domov je v jazyce

Language is my home

Literatura pro děti a mládež

Literature for children and youth