EN CZ Archive Sign in Tickets online

In 2025 we again offer the possibility of presenting of your titles in the GALLERY OF NEW RELEASES. Visitors like this format and, as we have verified, it has a direct impact on increasing sales.

The principle is quite simple. New releases are displayed on large tables accessible from all sides. The visitors can leaf through the books and jot down the titles they are interested in.

It is advisable to attach stickers to the presented books specifying the number of the stand where the visitors can buy them. If you are not an exhibitor at the fair, you can specify the point-of-sale contact information on the book. Current release plans can be attached for free distribution as well. The list of titles on display with links to online shops of their respective publishers will be published after the fair in the summer issue of the KNIŽNÍ NOVINKY magazine.

For this year, we have established the conditions for participation in the presentation of new titles in the GALLERY OF NEW RELEASES as follows:

  • exhibitors: first book free, each subsequent title CZK 300 per piece
  • non-exhibitors: first book CZK 750, each subsequent title CZK 500 per piece

The display is subject to the delivery of three copies of each book, or, where appropriate, of release plans or leaflets, in a maximum quantity of 20 copies. Books must be delivered on Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Books and release plans can be collected on Sunday, May 18, 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. We cannot guarantee that the books will be returned. Although we expect permanent presence of staff on site who should do their utmost to ensure that people do not take away the displayed publications, it is to be expected that the books might be damaged at the event. Unclaimed titles may be further used by the organiser of the event.

If you are interested in participating in the Gallery of New Releases, please send an email with a list of titles (title, author, month of publication) to Andrea Tachecí at info@svetknihy.cz) by April 10, 2025.