Guest of the book fair
FRANCE *1979
She is a French illustrator and author who graduated from the excellent Arts Déco in Strasbourg. Her sensitive and incredibly lively style, coupled with a keen sense of humour, is now widely recognized in France. She sometimes signs her own texts, such as Bertille Bonnepoire (Sarbacane, 2006) or Le Voyage d’Agathe (Sarbacane, 2011). She now works for publishers and the children’s press and regularly exhibits her illustration work as part of the “Images à boire” collective, at the 78Folies workshop. Her series of audio books Paco has been translated into Czech by Axióma (for example Packa hraje rock, Packa hraje jazz, Packa a africká hudba, Packa a orchestr).
Photography: Gallimard
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