Guest of the book fair
Marek Vadas connects Africa’s traditional storytelling with aspects of European modernism. In his short stories, Africa serves as a backdrop against which reality blends with dreams, the living with the dead, the sacred with the low. Vadas’ stories are soaked in irony and absurdity, with dark existentialist overtones. His works published to date include Malý román (The Brief Novel, 1994), Prečo sa smrtka smeje (Why the Grim Reaper’s Laughing, 2003), Rozprávky z čiernej Afriky (Stories from Black Africa, 2005), Liečiteľ (The Healer, 2006), Čierne na čiernom (Black on Black, 2013), Útek (The Escape, 2016) a Zlá štvrť (Bad Neighbourhood, 2018).
foto Lucia Gardin.
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