Guest of the book fair
Vanda Rozenbergová is a successful Slovak author whose titles have repeatedly reached the final stage of the Anasoft Litera award. She held various jobs, including in schools, libraries or a betting shop. Having featured three times in the finals of the Short Story Competition (2001, 2005, 2006) she published her literary debut – a short-story collection Vedľajšie účinky chovu drobných hlodavcov (The Side Effects of Breeding Small Rodents) – in 2011. This was followed by the novels Moje more (My Sea), Muž z jamy a deti z lásky (Man from the Pit and Children of Love) and the latest Tri smrtky sa plavia (Three Grim Reapers Set Sail), which she will be introducing to Czech readers. She has co-authored the book version of the children’s TV series The Websters. She also paints and her paintings on glass are featured on the original cover designs of her books. Rozenbergová lives in Prievidza and Piešťany.
Photography: Juraj Starovecký
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