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Guest medallion

Stefan Hertmans

Stefan Hertmans is a Flemish novelist, essayist and above all a poet. His work has won many literary prizes and has been widely translated. In addition to his active literary work, he lectures at various universities in Paris, Vienna, Berlin and London and represents Flemish literature at international book fairs and symposia. His most successful prose works include the novel War and Turpentine. His novel The Ascent will be published in Czech in 2024. 

 Stefan Hertmans

Guest program

Between the Hammer and the Axe

Book World Prague 2024

17:00 - 17:50

Svět knihy, Das Buch, Albatros Media, Francouzský institut v Praze

Czech, English

“A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us”, but isn’t the writer rather the one using Nietzsche’s hammer, the one who patiently examines the past, the...

Friday, 24. 5. 2024

Stefan Hertmans: Interpreted debate

Book World Prague 2024

11:15 - 11:50

Albatros Media

Czech, English

After "War and Turpentine" and "The Convert", Stefan Hertmans presents to Czech readers the auto-fictional novel "The Rise". In it, a well-known Belgian writer...

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024