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Antonio Altarriba

This writer, critic, essayist and, above all, acclaimed comic and television scriptwriter as well as a professor of French literature at the University of the Basque Country achieved extraordinary success with his graphic novel El arte de volar (The Art of Flying), written in memory of his father, who jumped out of a window at the age of 90, thus putting an end to his lifelong chase for rainbows. A few years later, in El ala rota (The Broken Wing), Altarriba dealt with the fate of his mother, who, for a change, fought against a society full of prejudices, in which everything was decided exclusively by men. Translations of his books have been published in several countries, where he has won several awards, including the prestigious Grand Prix de la Critique prize for his title Yo, Asesino (I, murderer)

 Antonio Altarriba

Guest program

Antonio Altarriba: Librarian for one day

Book World Prague 2024

16:00 - 16:30

Instituto Cervantes v Praze, Nakladatelství Argo

A brief interview with Antonio Altarriba, the Spanish comic author, who will give us his personal view on his profession, work, influences and choice of reading,...

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024

Graphic Novel: A Tale of the Horrors of War

Book World Prague 2024

17:00 - 17:50

Instituto Cervantes v Praze, Nakladatelství Argo, Velvyslanectví Španělska

Czech, Spanish

How to tell about someone else's misfortune? What to feel? How to be objective? Is the graphic novel the best communication medium to reach young readers? These...

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024