Guest of the book fair
Patricia Colchado is a Peruvian writer, poet, dancer and a cultural manager. She wrote the poetry books Blumen (2005), Las pieles del edén (2007), Ciudad ajena (2015), Calendario Lírico / Lyrische Kalender (2017) or La angustia era una flor carnívora (2022). In 2010, she received honorable mention from the international association La Porte des Poétes in France. In 2020, she won a poetry competition organised by the StadtLesen literary festival (Austria). She is the autor of the La danza del narciso novel (2011), which the respected critic Ricardo González Vigil called “the best novel discovery od the year 2011”. In 2013, the novel was published in German (Der Tanz des Narziss). She directed the creation of the Peruvian collection of fiction Diamantes y pedernales (the San Marcos publishing house, 2005–2008). In 2005, she founded the Pájaro de Fuego publishing house and the Freunde der Kultuförderung München e.V. association.
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