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Xavier Galmiche

The lecturer in Czech studies, translator and writer Xavier Galmiche is the author of a number of books, including a monograph on Vladimír Holan (2012) and the prose Metaphysical Chicken Coop (2021), his first literary work translated into Czech (Revolver Revue Edition, 2023), for which he won the prestigious Décembre literary prize. He is Professor of Czech literature and Central European cultures at the Sorbonne in Paris. His research interests include the influence of the Baroque on modern expressions and the cultural links between French-speaking and Central European countries. He has translated dozens of works into French, including works by Comenius, Mácha, Erben, Deml, Reynek, Váchal, Weil, Holan, Hrabal and Vladislav. 

 Xavier Galmiche

Guest program

Setkání s autory Revolver Revue

Book World Prague 2024

15:30 - 17:20

Revolver Revue

Přijďte se na stánek nakladatelství Revolver Revue osobně setkat s Xavierem Galmichem (Cena Décembre), Ivanem Matouškem (Magnesia Litera), Markem Vajchrem (Cena...

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024