Guest of the book fair
For Anke Stelling, writing is associated with taking on social responsibility. She studied at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig. In addition to prose and film scripts, she has written two books for children. In 2019, she won the Leipzig Book Fair Prize for her book Schäfchen im Trockenen. The novel is inspired by the author’s life. Anke Stelling addresses the book to her eldest daughter. She talks about herself, about the past, about her vision of an alternative life and about the everyday life of marriage and parenthood and also about what it is like to be a storyteller and to become the protagonist of one’s own story despite inner shame and external blame. The novel Schäfchen im Trockenen, translated into Czech by Michaela Škultéty and Tereza Semotamová, will be published by the Větrné mlýny publishig house.
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