Guest of the book fair
Barbara Rieger is a graduate of the Leonding Literary Academy in Vienna. She works as a creative writing tutor and writer. Since 2013, she has been publishing a multilingual photography and literary blog Café Entropy together with the photographer Alain Barbero. The book versions of the blog are the picture books Melange der Poesie: Wiener Kaffeehausmomente in Schwarzweiß (2017) and Kinder der Poesie: Österreichische AutorInnen in Schwarzweiß (2019). She made her literary debut in 2018 with the novel Bis ans Ende, Marie (2018). Her fourth novel, Eskalationsstufen, was published this year and won the Marianne.von.Willemer – Frauen.Literatur.Preis, the prize of the city Linz for literature written by women. The novel’s brisk plot depicts the development of emotional dependency and highlights the fact that domestic violence can affect each and every one of us.
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