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Guest medallion

Narine Abgarjanová

This writer of Armenian origin writes in Russian. Her works of prose, written on a more serious note, are connected with Armenia and its simple, poetic, but also tragic world: collections of short stories People Who are Always with Me (2014), Zulali (2016) and the novel Three Apples Fell from the Sky (2015, Czech 2020), which has achieved international success and has already been published twice in Czech. The collection of short stories about human fates marked by the Nagorno-Karabakh war, To Live On, was published in 2018 (Czech 2024), not long before the war’s new act. With her novel Simon (2020, Czech 2023), Abgarjan was among the finalists for the prestigious Bolshaya kniga literary prize, where she has won the Readers’ Sympathy Priz. She is also a successful writer of children’s literature.

 Narine Abgarjanová

Guest program

Narine Abgaryan: Live on

Book World Prague 2024

17:00 - 17:50

Nakladatelství PROSTOR, Svět knihy

Czech, Russian

Stories of the inhabitants of the author's hometown, marked by the first Nagorno-Karabakh war. Each of the characters faces its tragic consequences. Yet they...

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024

Narine Abgarjanová – autogramiáda

Book World Prague 2024

18:00 - 18:30

Nakladatelství PROSTOR

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024

CHANGE IN THE PROGRAMME: Lednicka a Abgarjan: Literature or theTool for Shaping Images of the Past

Book World Prague 2024

14:00 - 14:50

Svět knihy


An exceptional debate between Narine Abgarjan and Karin Lednicka: exploring multilingualism in contemporary literature and the use of literature as one of the...

Sunday, 26. 5. 2024