United States
Guest of the book fair
Jontahan Bolton is Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, his main focus is on the relationship between literature and political power: the mechanisms of political repression and oppression, dissent, protests, dissident movements and the complex negotiations between repressive regimes and the writers which these regimes seek to control. He is the author of Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, The Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture under Communism (2012; Czech 2015). His translations of Czech poetry and prose have appeared, among other journals, in Circumference, B O D Y, Best European Fiction or Modern Poetry in Translation. He has edited and translated book collections by Ivan Wernisch (In the Puppet Gardens: Selected Poems, 1963–2005, 2007) and Petr Hruška (Everything Indicates: Selected Poems, 2023).
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