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Josephine Mark

Cartoons, comics and illustrations have appeared regularly on Josephine Mark’s blog since 2004. They have gained great popularity, especiallydogs, wolves and bears. The comic artist Josephine Mark likes strong genres and combines different emotional worlds. She is often inspired by strong visual sensations and always tries to add humour to her stories. She draws her sketches first in pen and ink and digitally adds colours later. Her biographical comic road trip Trip mit Tropf [A Trip with a Drip] tells the story of a rabbit and a wolf. The book was awarded the Max & Moritz Prize and was nominated for the German Youth Literature Award. It will be published by Host in a Czech translation by Kateřina Klabanová under the title Kudy kam s kapačkou

 Josephine Mark

Guest program

Josephine Mark's black humor comic ride

Book World Prague 2024

10:00 - 10:50

Das Buch, Nakladatelství Host

Czech, German

Is it possible to write about a serious topic with wit and feeling? Yes! The book "A Trip with a Drip" by the German cartoonist Josephine Mark is proof of that....

Friday, 24. 5. 2024

Josephine Mark - autogramiáda

Book World Prague 2024

11:00 - 11:50

Nakladatelství Host, Das Buch

Autogramiáda na stánku nakladatelství Host.

Friday, 24. 5. 2024

Cartoon stories about illness and health

Book World Prague 2024

12:00 - 12:50

České literární centrum (MZK), Das Buch

Czech, German

Comic strips depicting the experience of serious illness, injury or disability have experienced a major boom in recent years. Award-winning authors from Germany,...

Sunday, 26. 5. 2024

Josephine Mark, Nando von Arb - autogramiáda

Book World Prague 2024

13:00 - 13:50

Das Buch

Švýcarský komiksový kreslíř Nando von Arb a německá kreslířka Josephine Mark v návaznosti na diskusní pořad podepisují své knihy.

Sunday, 26. 5. 2024