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Katěrina Gordějevová

Katerina Gordeeva is one of the most famous independent journalists from Russia. She worked as a TV reporter for the federal television channel NTV until 2012. Afterwards, she resigned from the channel due to a disagreement with their program agenda. In 2014, she left Moscow out of protest after Russia’s remorseless annexation of Crimea. In 2020, she created her own YouTube channel, which has more than 1.5 million subscribers today. To make her documentary film Humans In War, she travelled to dozens of refugee shelters in both Europe and Russia. This three-hour testimonial film has been viewed by more than 2.5 million people. Gordeeva was awarded the international journalistic Anna Politkovskaya Prize in August 2022. The Russian government labelled her as a “foreign agent” in September 2022. The book Take My Grief Away has been translated or is being translated into thirteen languages. 

  Katěrina Gordějevová

Guest program

Katěrina Gordějevová: osudy lidí zasažených válkou

Book World Prague 2024

11:00 - 11:50

Nakladatelství Maraton

Nezávislá ruská novinářka v knize reportážních rozhovorů "Odnes můj žal" mimořádně působivě zachycuje osudy lidí těžce poznamenaných válkou na Ukrajině. Knihu...

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024

Katěrina Gordějevová - autogramiáda

Book World Prague 2024

12:15 - 12:50

Nakladatelství Maraton

Po přednášce nezávislé novinářky Katěriny Gordějevové následuje autogramiáda na stánku nakladatelství Maraton.

Saturday, 25. 5. 2024