Guest of the book fair
Katarína Kucbelová is the author of five books of poetry and two novels. Her prose debut The Bonnet (2019) has been translated into six languages. She won the award of the Panta Rhei book distributor’s literary academy, the Tatra banka Foundation Art Award and was shortlisted for the national Anasoft litera Award and also for the Angelus Central European Literature Award. Her latest poetry book, Towards White (2022) has won several book awards, including the Tatra banka Foundation Art Award and the Václav Burian Award in Olomouc. Her latest novel, in original titled Modrosleposť [Blueblindness], was published in autumn 2023. She worked as a culture manager. Now she is a freelance writer living with her family in Bratislava. She is raising a daughter.
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