Guest of the book fair
Oksana Maslova is a Ukrainian writer, journalist and playwright from Odesa. She weaves together complex and thought-provoking themes, such as self-identity, personal growth, ecological problems and human relationships. She is the winner of national and international drama competitions, such as the Ukrainian modern drama festival The Week of the Actual Drama or Next Stage Europe (within the Lit:Potsdam2019 International festival). Her texts have been translated into English, German, Finnish, Czech and Swedish and presented on stage and in print in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, United States, Ukraine, Italy and Finland. Two of her books were published in Czech: Deník uprchlice [Diary of a Refugee] (Brána, 2022) and Společenstvo ztracených rukaviček [Lost Gloves Society] (Pikola, 2023).
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