Guest of the book fair
Bernard Gaëtan Lagier was born in Martinique. He is the Deputy Director of Tropiques Atrium Scène Nationale de Martinique and the author of several plays. In 2005, Lagier published his first theatrical text Moi chiencréolewith Lansman. In 2009, with six other Caribbean playwrights, heparticipated in the writing of Embouteillage Caraïbe, also published by Lansman. In 2014, the Jamais Lu festival welcomed Bernard Gaëtan Lagier to Montreal. In 2017, with Frantz Succab from Guadeloupe and Evelyne Trouillot from Haiti, he translated Nathalie Sarraute’s Pour un Ouiou pour un Non into Creole (Lang nousé pa nou).
Bernard Lagier is present in Prague as part of a residency with the Praha město literatury project.
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