Guest of the book fair
Clemmensenis a Danish journalist, writer and creator of documentaries. He wrote several acclaimed books on the Cold War and World War II. He made his literary debut in 2012 with FlugtruteØstersøen (Flight Route: Baltic Sea) about GDR citizens fleeing to Denmark during the communist dictatorship. The book won the Best Book on History award. Afhopperne (Czech edition: Uprchlíci, Pangea, 2021) was published in 2020 and it is a true story of two Czechoslovak families and their dramatic journey to freedom during the Nazi and communist regimes. The book was very well received and was translated to Czech, Swedish, English and German. Clemmensen’s best-known television work is probably his controversial documentary Manden, der villedø (The Man Who Wanted to Die) which addresses the ethical issues of euthanasia.
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