Guest of the book fair
FRANCE *1960
He is a French writer. He published his first novel in 1985 in Grasset publishing house, before starting a series of often satirical fictions on contemporary France in Gallimard publishing house, of which e.g. novels Tout doit disparaître (1992) and Drôle de temps (1997) have been translated into Czech by Atlantis publishing house. His literary tastes and his vision of the world brought him closer to famous authors such as Milan Kundera or Sempé, and to writers of his generation such as Michel Houellebecq. In the early 2000s, he tried new literary genres, such as La Petite Fille et la cigarette (Fayard, 2005; in Czech Atlantis, 2009). He was awarded the Prix Médicis in 2001 and the Prix de l’Académie Française in 2017.
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