Guest of the book fair
Anne Cathrine Bomannová is a Danish author. She studied psychology and works as a clinical psychologist. She practices also social psychiatry in the institute for patients with schizophrenia. She published her first collection of poems when she was fifteen years old. Hear dream to become a writer fulfilled with her novel Agathe (2017), which has been translated to 20 languages. She writes also nonfiction, En ud af hundrede (One out of hundred, 2018) is about schizophrenia among young people. Her work across different genres is connected by a psychological point of view and an effort to uncover what according to Bomann Milan Kundera aptly calls the unbearable lightness of being. The biggest Danish publisher Gyldendal published her second novel Hvad ingen ved (What nobody knows, 2019) last year.
foto Henrik J. Andersen
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