Guest of the book fair
FRANCE *1981
She is a playwright and member of the group Ensemble artistique de la Comédie de Valence. Her writings deal with identity, oppression, colonization, injustices. Laureate of the Collidram prize for the 20–21 season, she is running for the Sony Labou Tansi prize and was awarded the Jury Prize of the Tête noire theater. She is co-founder of the label Jeunes textes en liberté and president of the association Les scènes appartagées, which promotes family theater readings. At the Prague Book Fair, she will present La Grande Ourse: “It’s a story of a woman confronted with a completely unjust society, in which values have been lost. To survive, she goes in search of resources deep inside herself. Against a backdrop of video surveillance, arrest, and confinement, the text borrows heavily from shamanism.”
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