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Jean-Dominique Brierre

FRANCE *1953

He is a French journalist, writer and musicologist. He is the author of numerous books on French chanson: Edith Piaf (in Czech Edith Piaf – Bez lásky nejsme nic, Metafora, 2014), Barbara, Serge Reggiani, Jean Ferrat. He has also written biographies on folk and rock artists, e. g. Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. Milan Kundera, une vie d’écrivain (Milan Kundera – Život spisovatele, Argo, 2020) is his first literary essay. He reconstructs Kundera’s artistic, intellectual, political and literary career by placing it in its historical context, from the “Prague coup” (1948) to the “Velvet Revolution” (1989), drawing in particular on his writings, his interviews and unpublished testimonies, in particular those of his friend Alain Finkielkraut and his translator François Kérel.

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 Jean-Dominique Brierre