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Sjarhej Prylucki

Siarhiej Prylucki (Сяргей Прылуцкі) has lived in Kiev since 2008. He published his first two books under the pseudonym Pistonchyk, namely Pig Experiments of Two Young Outcasts (Ёпыты двух маладых нелюдзяў, 2009, together with Ulasik Usmrkanc) and Degenerative Dictionary (Дэгенератыўны слод, 2014). Under his own name he published the poetry collections Ninety Forever (Дзевяностыя forever, 2008), Hero of the Stability Period (Герой эпохі стабільнасці, 2014), Euridika Does Not Look Back (Эўрыдыка не азіраецца, 2021) and the children’s book Away with Adults (Далоў дарослых, 2017). He is also the author of a literary mystification when he was featured as the translator of the poetry collection of the alleged North Korean poet Kim Chun-hoa Patriotism for Beginners (Патрыятызм для чайнікаў, 2016), which he wrote it himself. Several of Prylucky’s poems were published in Czech, most recently in the magazines Psi vino and Plav.

 Sjarhej Prylucki